The side rearview mirror of a car

Do traffic stops promote safety?

To many people who look like me, a traffic stop is a rite of passage – we pick out cars, we determine routes, we plan our social interactions around the fact that it is likely that we will be pulled over by police.

—Councilmember Isaiah Thomas

Do traffic stops happen where car accidents happen?

How often did Philadelphia police make traffic stops
on High Injury Network
(HIN) roads in by

Percent of PPD Traffic Stops on the HIN in Philadelphia from 2014 through 2024

Driving Equality came into effect on March 3, 2022. In the year after
Driving Equality, the proportion of traffic stops Philadelphia police made along the HIN increased by 12.4% compared to 2021 (see What is Driving Equality? to learn more about these date comparisons). However, in 2024, most traffic stops by the Philadelphia police still did not happen on the HIN.

Random Sample of 1,000 PPD Traffic Stops in 2024 Mapped on HIN Roads

Traffic stop on the HIN
Traffic stop not on the HIN
HIN Roads

Do changes in traffic stops over time relate to changes in shootings?

During a surge in traffic stops from 2018 to 2019, which districts
had the largest percent increases in traffic stops? Were these the same districts that had the largest percent decreases in shootings?

Comparing 2018 to 2019, the Philadelphia Police Department increased traffic stops across nearly all 21 districts by 87,298 stops, a 35.3% increase. The map below compares the 5 districts with the largest percent increases in traffic stops to the 5 districts with the largest percent decreases in shootings. This map attempts to see whether the districts with the largest percent increases in traffic stops also had the largest percent decreases in shootings. Here, only one district, the 18th district, had such an outcome, with the second largest percent increase of traffic stops and the second largest percent decrease in shootings.

Districts with Largest % Increases in Traffic Stops vs. Districts with Largest % Decreases in Shootings

Districts with largest % increases in traffic stops
Districts with largest % decreases in shootings

Driving Equality came into effect on March 3, 2022. In the year after
Driving Equality, which districts had the largest percent decreases in traffic stops, compared to 2021? (See What is Driving Equality? to learn more about these date comparisons.) Were these the same districts that had the largest percent increases in shootings?

Comparing before and after Driving Equality, the Philadelphia Police Department decreased traffic stops by 7,590 stops, a 6.8% decrease. The map below compares the 5 districts with the largest percent decreases in traffic stops to the 5 districts with the largest percent increases in shootings. This map attempts to see whether the districts with the largest percent decreases in traffic stops also had the largest percent increases in shootings. Here, only one district, the 3rd district, had such an outcome, with the second largest percent decrease of traffic stops and the third largest percent increase in shootings.

Before and After Driving Equality: Districts with Largest % Decreases in Traffic Stops vs. Districts with Largest % Increases in Shootings

Districts with largest % decreases in traffic stops
Districts with largest % increases in shootings

Traffic Stops in Philadelphia

Please note: This dashboard shows public data from the Philadelphia Police Department, which may at times be incomplete, unreliable, or inaccurate. Learn more about the data limitations.

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