A street in Philadelphia

What reasons do police give for making traffic stops?

Motor-code violations contribute to the deep mistrust between police and the communities they police, especially Black communities. Driving stops make Black and brown drivers feel harassed and surveilled.

—Councilmember Kendra Brooks

Do the reasons police stop drivers differ by race or neighborhood?

Do Philadelphia police stop Black and white drivers for different reasons? When Philadelphia police gave a reason, what were the primary reasons why police stopped
in Philadelphia in

Primary Reasons PPD Stopped Black Drivers, Compared to White Drivers, in 2022

Black drivers
White drivers

A small but significant portion of traffic stops

have no reason recorded. Analysis of the Bailey dataset found that police routinely miscoded stops for tint, mistakenly omitting the MVC
violation for a large but unknown number of tint stops, skewing those numbers down dramatically.

Do Philadelphia police make traffic stops for different reasons in districts
where most residents are white, compared to districts where most residents are people of color? When Philadelphia police gave a reason, what were the primary reasons why police stopped drivers in majority
in Philadelphia in

Primary Reasons PPD Stopped Drivers in Majority Non-White Districts, Compared to Majority White Districts, in 2022

Majority non-white districts
Majority white districts

As noted above, a small but significant portion of traffic stops

have no reason recorded. Analysis of the Bailey dataset found that police routinely miscoded stops for tint, mistakenly omitting the MVC
violation for a large but unknown number of tint stops, skewing those numbers down dramatically.

How has Driving Equality impacted traffic stops?

Driving Equality came into effect on March 3, 2022. After Driving Equality, how many traffic stops did Philadelphia police make for the 8 reasons covered by the law? Show primary reasons for traffic stops by

Number of PPD Traffic Stops for Reasons Covered by Driving Equality

See What is Driving Equality? to learn about the 8 reasons covered by the law. Importantly, Philadelphia police can still stop drivers for registration and lighting violations that are not covered by Driving Equality. For example, Philadelphia police can stop drivers for having all lights out, but police cannot stop drivers for a single broken bulb or light.

How often do Philadelphia police stop drivers for operational
violations? Are there racial disparities
in these traffic stops? When Philadelphia police gave a reason, how often did police stop people of different races for operational violations in

Percentage of Operational Stops by Race in 2022

Traffic Stops in Philadelphia

Please note: This dashboard shows public data from the Philadelphia Police Department, which may at times be incomplete, unreliable, or inaccurate. Learn more about the data limitations.

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