How intrusive are police during traffic stops?
How many times did Philadelphia police intrude during traffic stops in by ?
Number of Intrusions During PPD Traffic Stops in Philadelphia from 2014 through 2024
In Philadelphia:
From the start of 2014 through the end of 2018, 6.9% of traffic stops involved an intrusion, and Philadelphia police made an average of 1,264 intrusions per month.
During a surge in stops in 2019, 7.4% of traffic stops involved an intrusion, and Philadelphia police made an average of 2,060 intrusions per month.
From the start of April 2020 through the end of March 2021 (pandemic), 15.7% of traffic stops involved an intrusion, and Philadephia police made an average of 1,276 intrusions per month.
How have Philadelphia police changed the way they intrude during traffic stops in by ? How do frisks and searches compare over time?
Number of Searches and Frisks During PPD Traffic Stops in Philadelphia from 2014 through 2024
During traffic stops, do police treat people differently?
Do Philadelphia police intrude upon some drivers and/or their vehicles more often than others? Show data by in from the start of through the end of , compared to a baseline of people who are .
Intrusion Rates by Race in Philadelphia from Jan 2014 through Sep 2024
How many times do Philadelphia police intrude during traffic stops without finding any contraband?
Intrusions Resulting in No Contraband by Race in Philadelphia from Jan 2014 through Sep 2024
When Philadelphia police intrude during traffic stops, how often do they find contraband?
Contraband Hit Rates by Race in Philadelphia from Jan 2014 through Sep 2024
In Philadelphia:
When making traffic stops, Philadelphia police intruded upon 7.9% of people and/or vehicles from the start of Jan 2014 through the end of Sep 2024.
During these intrusions, Philadelphia police did not find any contraband 83.7% of the time.